The Israeli

Breaking the cycle of poverty
and making a good living
The objective of the Israeli Psifas Foundation, named after Yosef Goodman and Eliezer Globerman, is to support people who lack opportunities in advancing on their own. We assist Israelis who may be able to break the cycle of poverty by providing them with scholarships , psycho-didactic evaluations, purchasing equipment for small businesses and offering various other aid that will enable them to advance and support themselves by making a decent living.
Every month the Foundation’s executive committee convenes to discuss the requests received that month. Priority is given to the requests with the highest potential for realization of the endowment in a manner that will assist the applicant in making a significant step forward in their lives, breaking the cycle of poverty. Decisions regarding the allocation of the donations are made democratically based on a formula developed specifically to meet the Foundation’s requirements.
The Foundation is run in complete transparency; on a monthly basis it reports to the donors on the status of the grant recipients. The donations are not transferred to the private bank accounts of the recipients, but instead are transferred directly to the entity through which the recipient plans to realize the aid they receive (for example, the school where the applicant plans to study their chosen subject), so as to guarantee that the donation is used for the purpose for which it was granted.
About the Israeli Psifas Foundation
Requests for the foundation’s assistance come from all over the country, all ages, and all sectors of the socio-economic periphery in Israel: single mothers, new immigrants, victims of domestic violence, youngsters who have no family support, people who have left religious communities, discharged prisoners and so on. Our beneficiaries face a complicated reality and financial challenges on a daily basis, while at the same time striving ahead determinedly, making an effort to create a more productive future.
The Israeli Psifas Foundation collaborates with a wide range of foundations and organizations working toward the wellbeing of the community, as well as welfare bureaus, departments for the promotion of the young, employment centers and various other national programs (Yated, Noshmim LeRevacha, etc). Applications can be submitted through a social worker or personally.

The Board of Directors
Benner is a Jerusalemite at heart, living in the Valley of Elah with wife Merav and their four amazing children. He has been a social entrepreneur for two decades and a partner in the establishment and management of various foundations and organizations in the social sector (“Good Neighbor”, “Circles of Justice”, the Israeli Psifas Foundations, “A Fast to Remember”, “Teach for All”, the Attention Revolution Movement). A graduate of two degrees at the Hebrew University and a cooking course in Dharamsala.

Assaf Benner
Chairman of Psifas and CFO of the Israel Center on Addiction, Ben Nun holds a BA in Economics and Business Administration from the Hebrew University and MA in Public Policy and Accounting. He lives in Nes Harim with his wife and six children. One of the founders of the Israeli Psifas Foundation, Ben Nun has volunteered for several roles since its establishment.
He has served as the Psifas CFO for the past ten years, spending the first eight of them with the Acharai Fund, and the past two years with the Israeli Center on Addiction.

Avner Ben Nun
Director of JFN Israel’s Center for Family Philanthropy.
Maya’s role includes accompanying the younger generation as well as multi-generational philanthropic families in Israel on their philanthropic journey. She has vast experience working in the social sector; her previous role was VP of Space Education for the Ramon Foundation which she established together with Rona Ramon in memory of Ilan and Assaf Ramon.

Maya Alon-Golan
For the past eight years, Gross-Rom has been volunteering at Psifas as a member of the Board of Directors, wishing to take part in charitable activities in the Israeli society. Recently, after years of teaching and management roles in the education system and consulting roles for public, business and third sector organizations, Shalvit retired to take up professional retraining in design and art.

Shalvit Gross-Rom
Deputy Director of Activities at Beit Prat – Israeli Midrasha; head of Academic Center for Supportive Care at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Trained as a clinical social worker, Lesser’s managerial work includes development of socio-educational projects. Married to Nir, and mother of three, Lesser lives in Beit Zayit.

Lior Lesser
Director of Regulation for the Israeli Employment Services for the past decade. Fox’s position includes overseeing the establishment and operation of joint work processes integrating National Insurance claimants into employment or settling the rights of income supplement claimants. As part of his job, Fox has written dozens of work manuals with the aim of improving the service of employment bureaus and promoting collaboration between organizations, so as to help applicants exercise their rights or integrate claimants into employment. He believes in the public sector and its capacity for change and influence from within.

Jonathan Fox
Psychologist, group facilitator and lecturer in the field of employment, Alterman trains professionals on the national Yated program and participants of the program “You Have an Address” which coordinates graduates from all youth villages and boarding schools in Israel. She is also a facilitator for urban employment opportunity centers.
In recent years she has assisted thousands of people in choosing their study programs and modifying their career paths.

Ortal Alterman
Tania managed the Foundation between 2013-2014 and has been a volunteer here for a decade. Originally from Jerusalem, today she lives with her family in Kiryat Tiv’on. She has been an independent tour guide for 11 years. Tania holds a BA in Social Sciences from the Hebrew University and an MA in Archeology and Israel Studies from the University of Bar Ilan. She recently concluded a course in accompanying couples and facilitating wedding ceremonies.

Tania Geiger
Hatav oversees initiatives and strategic programs for the inclusion and diversity within the management and staff in business environments. Former executive at NDS, Cisco Systems and at the computer game publisher Electronic Arts.
One of Nurit’s five children was born with a rare lack of chromosome 3, which manifests in delayed development and learning difficulties. Inspired by her son, Nurit joined the Special Needs Committee of the Israeli Scouts movement, in order to promote at various levels of guidance and training, among the centers and the parents the awareness of the huge significance of including children and adults with special needs in society. In addition, Nurit serves as a mentor for the Edmond de Rothschild Partnerships.
Hatav has an MBA in Marketing and Economics from the Open University, works as a personal business coach for Coach Me, and is an ATD Certified Professional in Learning & Performance.